Drug delivery, formulation

© GettyImages/Mohammed Haneefa Nizamudeen

Setback for Novartis drug in advanced lung cancer trial

By Jane Byrne

Novartis reported today that a clinical trial of the drug, known as canakinumab, when combined with chemotherapy agent, docetaxel, failed to extend the lives of patients with advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer compared to just chemotherapy...

(elenlabs/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

Latest FDA COVID-19 news

By Jenni Spinner

As the pandemic continues to impact the globe, the agency has kept busy issuing EUAs for potential treatments, and cited sellers of unapproved treatments.

(Ridofranz/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

Pfizer: collaboration key to clinical care

By Jenni Spinner

An expert from the global pharmaceutical firm shares how working with other organizations and putting patients at the center can benefit clinical research.

(DonkeyWorx/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

Latest FDA updates on COVID-19 battle

By Jenni Spinner

As the pandemic maintains a grip on the globe, the federal agency continues to offer advice and take action to guide life-sciences professionals.

(Egor Shabanov/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

FDA COVID-19 response roundup

By Jenni Spinner

As the pandemic maintains its hold, the US agency continues to issue advice and take action related to testing, treatment and information on the virus.

(Ca-ssis/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

CPhI Festival of Pharma

Vetter to profile cleanroom concept at CPhI

By Jenni Spinner

The aseptic technology specialist plans to discuss its V-CRT cleanroom technology at the upcoming CPhI Festival of Pharma online event in October.

(robeo/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

CPhI Festival of Pharma

Noble to address drug delivery evolution at CPhI

By Jenni Spinner

A leader from the pharma solutions firm will discuss the future of drug delivery at a keynote during the CPhI Festival of Pharma virtual event.

(Image: Thermo Fisher)

Thermo Fisher expands cryo-EM access

By Jenni Spinner

The company intends to enable pharma and biotech companies to have greater access to cryo-electronic microscopy for their research projects.

(AnuchaCheechang/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

Syneos Health inks service deal with Pfizer

By Jenni Spinner

The clinical development and consulting firm has signed a three-year service agreement to support the pharma firm with development service solutions.

(Moussa81/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

HPAPI Summit tackles trends and technology

By Jenni Spinner

The ninth annual event, taking place in Boston mid-November, will feature industry professionals addressing manufacturing practices, regulatory updates and market trends.

(elenabs/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

Latest FDA COVID-19 updates

By Jenni Spinner

The federal agency continues to offer advice and take actions related to COVID-19, impacting drug development, clinical trials and other activities.

(Image: Getty/gorodenkoff)

Avalere: FDA can impact COVID-era drug development

By Jenni Spinner

A representative of the life-sciences consulting firm outlines how the federal agency has reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it might advise the industry going forward.

(Image: Nanoform)

Nanoform granted GMP certification

By Jenni Spinner

The Finnish nanoparticle technology specialist’s facility has been given the stamp of approval by the Finnish Medicines Agency.

(Image: Getty/ffrikretow)

Weekly FDA COVID-19 update

By Jenni Spinner

The agency continues to remain busy overseeing and approving potential treatments and tests for the virus behind the global pandemic.

(Image: Getty/ffikretow)

FDA COVID-19 response roundup

By Jenni Spinner

The federal agency continues to take action and make announcements centered on nationwide efforts to combat the virus causing the global pandemic.