Mass spectrometry solutions

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Two suppliers to the life sciences industry, Amersham Biosciences
and Thermo Electron are to jointly market and sell mass
spectrometry-based proteomics solutions for protein scientists.

Two suppliers to the life sciences industry, Amersham Biosciences and Thermo Electron are to jointly market and sell mass spectrometry-based proteomics solutions for protein scientists.

Initially, the two companies will co-market Amersham Biosciences' Ettan MALDI-ToF Pro mass spectrometer and Thermo Electron's Finnigan line of ion trap mass spectrometry systems, including the ProteomeXTM, an integrated proteomics workstation.

The collaboration aims to combine Amersham Biosciences' knowledge of, and infrastructure, in the proteomics market with Thermo Electron's technical know-how and sales, support, and service expertise.

"Collaborating with Thermo Electron will enhance our ability to offer complete and integrated solutions to the proteomics research community, customized to meet their needs,"​ said Andrew Carr, president of Amersham Biosciences. "Combining the strengths of both companies will enable us to develop proteomics applications more quickly and efficiently."

Marc N. Casper, president of Thermo Electron's life and laboratory sciences sector added: "We are delighted to team up with Amersham Biosciences in this important collaboration, which will help us better serve protein laboratory customers.

Our mass spectrometry expertise, coupled with Amersham's expertise in protein chemistries, will provide laboratories with best-in-class solutions to enable cutting-edge proteomics research."

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