CryoProbe boosts performance of NMR systems

NMR specialists Bruker Biospin launches the 400 MHz 5mm DCH
CryoProbe, a cryogenically cooled probe that greatly increases
sensitivity and lower detection limits than standard probes.

The CryoProbe is intended for its AVANCE 400 NMR spectrometers and claims to improve signal-to-noise ratio by 300 per cent to 400 per cent (compared to non-cryogenically cooled probes) for high-resolution liquid applications.

400 MHz instruments are the most widely used of all NMR systems today, in applications such as small molecules, natural products and organic chemistry.

The probe is optimised for carbon observation and also provides superior proton measurements. It produces a 13C spectrum in only a few minutes, enabling the acquisition of up to 250 spectra per day.

Hyphenated techniques such as LC-NMR and LC-SPE-NMR, as well as high-throughput NMR screening methods will greatly benefit from this quantum jump in sensitivity making it suitable for clinical diagnostics, toxicology and pharmaceutical products

A cryoprobe differs from a standard probe in that the rf coils, preamplifier and other parts of the probe are chilled to approximately 20K with helium gas. The NMR sample in the probe can still be at the temperature designated by the user because the probe is so well insulated.

The major advantage to all the extra hardware required is that cryoprobes have greatly increased sensitivity and lower detection limits than standard probes.

"This new CryoProbe delivers a significant performance boost to the 400 MHz system at a price that is lower than that of a new system,"​ said Mark Chaykovsky, vice president of Bruker BioSpin.

"This new CryoProbe adds lower field strength to our line of CryoProbes, which extends all the way up to 900 MHz,"​ he added.

The CryoFLowProbe is built as an inverse Dual 1H/13C probe and equipped with a z-gradient and 2H-lock circuit. This probe allows on-flow or stop-flow analysis utilising Bruker BioSpin's LC-NMR Accessory.

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