Currently, the vast majority of scientific researchers still index their day-to-day results and observations in paper lab books. The problems of data mining and knowledge exploitation of such a system can result in inaccuracies, missing or incomplete information.. The E-Workbook, has been designed with the drug discovery scientist in mind, drawing on "real world" knowledge and using the experiences of R&D scientists to produce a flexible working tool.
This next generation electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) incorporates regulatory compliance, 21 CFR part 11, and IP protection, which are fundamental to the success of today's drug companies.
"We are providing E-WorkBook as a core component of our integrated enterprise data management solution for drug discovery," said Dr Paul Denny-Gouldson, IDBS product manager for E-Workbook.
"Practicality has to be the key word for any ELN and our starting point with E-Workbook was that such a system must fit into the R&D scientist's existing routine and systems as seamlessly as possible," he added.
The E-Workbook is applicable for all different chemistry disciplines and works with standard chemistry tools such as ISIS draw, ChemDraw, Accord, ChemAxxon and ChemIQ/Xtra as well as the open standard tools such as Microsoft Office.
The open standard component architecture allows the integration with other of IDBS' products. For example, registering compounds in ActivityBase from the ELN is possible.
ActivityBase is a suite of discovery experiment management applications that enable scientists to capture, manage and use all of the data fuelling the drug discovery process, from structure registration, to screening, to dose response, to behavioural studies. A single, integrated discovery informatics framework brings together biological data and chemical information.
Data from different therapeutic and project areas can be organised in a consistent, user-friendly workspace that makes it easy to identify structure activity relationships and speed up decision-making processes.
ActivityBase integrates with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word and Oracle, the industry standard relational database application. ActivityBase's built-in flexibility readily accommodates your existing project structures and workflow.
The E-Workbook is now available to purchase. For more information, visit IDBS' website.