Sigma-Aldrich launches DNA Polymerase kit

Sigma-Aldrich launches its DNA polymerase product for PCR amplification, which aims to minimise DNA contamination, making it ideal for researchers looking for a more accurate method in mutation scanning techniques, and wanting to prevent the amplification of undesired DNA sequences.

Contaminating DNA, present in most polymerase preparations, often precludes or obscures the accurate interpretation of results, especially when targeting conserved sequences (e.g. bacterial 16S rRNA region).

The MTP Taq DNA Polymerase is a recombinant thermostable enzyme from Thermus aquaticus expressed in E. coli and purified to minimise the levels of contaminating DNA.

The enzyme has both five prime three prime DNA polymerase and exonuclease activities, is approximately 95kD by SDS-PAGE, and has no detectable endonuclease or three prime five prime exonuclease activities.

While MTP Taq ensures low contaminant DNA polymerase for reliable PCR amplification, DNA contaminants can be introduced into PCR through a number of other reagents. To further minimise the risk of contaminant DNA during PCR, 10x MTP Taq Buffer is included with each vial of MTP Taq.

PCR is such a widely used technology, the reagents required for the test are plentiful and relatively inexpensive, reducing the cost of the procedure. PCR is a method for enzymatic amplification of a specific DNA sequence of interest.

This technique is capable of amplifying a sequence 105 to 106-fold from tiny (nanogramme) amounts of DNA from a mixed sample, such as might be found in genomics studies.

"This low DNA Taq yields an accurate representation of bacterial DNA that offers researchers convenience and quality control for comparing desired sequences from a variety of bacterial DNA samples," said Keith Jolliff, global marketing manager of Molecular Biology at Sigma-Aldrich.

Sigma's DNA removal methods and quality control standards ensure the absence of the most commonly found contaminant DNA. Each lot of MTP Taq is assayed using PCR and primers specific to (1) the conserved region of bacterial 16S rRNA, (2) the Taq expression vector, and (3) the human beta-actin gene.

The kit - MTP Taq DNA Polymerase is offered at a concentration of 5 units per microlitre in three package sizes: 50 units, 250 units, and 1500 units.

The DNA-polymerase world market, is currently now more than $350 million(€282 million)and growing. Central to this growth is its role in decoding the human genome, recently completed in "working draft" form, which is expected to lead to new understanding of, and treatments for, human diseases.