As more and more drugs come off patent, the demand for a one-stop reference guide for the generics sector is increasing.
The catalogue provides information on the current and upcoming versions of publications and subscriptions issued by the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), European Pharmacopoeia (EP) and British Pharmacopoeia (BP).
A big chunk of the catalogue deals with primary pharmaceutical standards from the pharmacopoeias and secondary impurity standards with detailed certificates of analysis.
For example, Reagecon's range of ready-to-use EP reagents and LGC's - the UK's designated national measurement institute (NMI) for chemistry and biochemistry - 1800+ impurity standards are available there.
Still the catalogue is designed to contain far more than just chemical reference standards, the company says.
LGC Promochem is the only official authorised American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) distributor in Europe, so microbiologists looking for reference materials for organisms specified in the pharmacopoeias will find the catalogue contains an extensive range of ATCC cultures.
The catalogue includes a range of high purity analytical solvents for HPLC, VOC/EOX and aromatic hydrocarbon and residue analysis.
Where possible, the original manufacturers' descriptions and spellings have been used throughout the catalogue, but in some cases additional information has been added so that the lists are more user-friendly.
All information about compendial articles has been thoroughly checked to make sure it is based on the 'official' pharmacopoeial lists and was correct at the time of print.
LGC Promochem also produces a monthly newsletter, in both print and email formats, to accompany the catalogue so that the industry receives up-to-date news on alterations and withdrawals of standards as well as price information and notices of events organised by the company.
An online version of the catalogue is available >here.