US Pharmacopeial Convention
The (USP) has elected a new president in Jesse Goodman. Goodman is Professor of Medicine at Georgetown University and director of its Center on Medical Product Access, Safety and Stewardship is USP President.
Goodman previously served as the US FDA’s Chief Scientist, and as director of the FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.
His term lasts five years and will allow him to preside at the 2020 USP meeting, as well as voting on the Board of Trustees and appointing committee members.
“Making progress on complex problems—from drug and vaccine shortages, to emergencies like Ebola—requires partnerships across private and public sectors and multiple disciplines,” said the new president.
“At USP, we have a tremendous opportunity to advance quality and improve pharmaceutical supply chains to help reduce shortages and unacceptable risks to health.”
(Image: HHS/FDA/Cathy Brown)