TrialAssure launches portal for plain language clinical trial summaries
The company’s portal – – provides space for trial participants to access these summaries in their native language, at a time when the industry faces mounting pressure to be more transparent.
According to TrialAssure Product Solutions Manager Zach Weingarden, there is an unmet need for a simple way to distribute plain language trial summaries to participants, for many of the sponsors the company works with.
“Many of them are ahead of the curve in writing summaries, but then run into challenges when disseminating the information,” he told us.
Additionally, as these summaries are written after a trial ends when most participants are out of regular contact with sponsors or investigators, Weingarden said making the summaries available online is “a crucial step to allowing participants to access this information at their own convenience.”
Weingarden noted that traditionally, trial summaries have been distributed as a physical copy in the mail, and while this is expected to continue, providing an online option is necessary.
“With lengthier trials, multiple years can elapse between the last contact with a given participant and when the final summary is ready, so a participant’s physical address may change,” he added.
“While sharing results with other researchers and the medical community is critical to the advancement of science, we mustn’t forget the obligation to share trial summaries to the participants themselves who ultimately make research possible.”
The global software company also in March announced a limited release of its latest software-as-a-service (SaaS) application, Anonymize, which allows sponsors to anonymize clinical trial data automatically.