White Paper


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This content is provided by Indena, and any views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of www.outsourcing-pharma.com


Indena is well known in the space of naturally derived molecules, with a know-how developed over its one hundred year history. At the same time, the company has significantly expanded its technological offer beyond that, now encompassing fermentation and total synthetic molecules. While the area of naturally derived remains a key expertise, a logical move by Indena has been to capitalize on its core expertise and extend its reach focusing on technologies rather than the origin (natural vs. synthetic). Currently, Indena is particularly skilled and well equipped in Highly Potent APIs, irrespective of their source, with OEL down to 30 ng/m3.

Some investments have been carried out by the company in the past 24 months: The GMP pilot plant, the LK2 HPAPI kilolab and a PSD2 spray dryer from organic solvents:  LK2 capacity was more than doubled with a new installation in early 2022, while pilot plant is currently being expanded to handle potent compounds with OEL down to 400 ng/m3 and batch size of 100-150 kgs. The industrial hydrogenator program is as well ongoing. In the near term, the company plans the installation of a smaller scale SD dedicated to Highly Potent APIs. The plans for the future are to continue investing by further expanding the capacity (both for NCEs and for traditional APIs). A major upgrade, which is becoming necessary due to the increase of projects running, has being devoted also to the R&D building.

Moreover, In terms of sustainable approach related to technologies and strategies implemented on the sites, Indena has over the commitment  to reduce CO2 emission (e.g. co-generation, upcycling of extracted biomasses for food and feed uses, adoption of corporate shuttles for workers commuting, adoption of energy-efficient buildings). For example, 2.500 tons CO2 have been reduced per year (data 2021) by having installed a natural gas cogenerator plant in its site in Settala. All the Indena’s European sites have achieved ISO14001 Environmental Management System and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

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