Animal Testing

Huntingdon to be renamed to mark Harlan integration

Huntingdon to be renamed to mark Harlan integration

By Gareth Macdonald

Huntingdon Life Sciences has announced it will change its name this year, but has not disclosed what its new moniker will be. So would welcome readers’ suggestions.

CROs commit to animal research openness


CROs commit to animal research openness

By Fiona BARRY

Contract research organisations Covance, Harlan, Sequani, Charles River Laboratories and Huntingdon Life Sciences have signed an agreement to be open about their animal research.

Ferry firms stop transporting research animals to UK


Ferry firms stop transporting research animals to UK

By Gareth Macdonald

Two major ferry companies have decided to stop shipping animals used in preclinical drug development to the UK, prompting concerns about the future of the country’s research sector. 


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