Tecan release their latest platform that provides reliability and
flexibility for a range of 96-well format applications, including
washing of ELISAs, cellular assays and protein arrays, and vacuum
filtration-to-waste, such as for...
Tecan has made available to the scientific community a new Flask
Flipper module, which has been designed to fit onto the company's
Freedom EVO liquid handling workstations.
Tecan has launched the Freedom EVO 96R and EVO 384R, two new
integrated multi-channel pipetting platforms for liquid handling
applications. These systems will be presented at the "Drug
Discovery Technology" exhibition in...
Tecan's third-quarter results reveal a mixed picture across the
group, with proteomics/genomics put in a good good performance but
drug discovery sales fell by a quarter.
Tecan has launched a new 384-channel pipetting head that is
suitable for high precision dispensing of volumes - from 200nl to
50µl - in a broad range of fluid-handling applications.
Tecan second-quarter results reveal some signs of recovery after a
torrid first quarter and the departure of former chief executive
Emile Sutcliffe, with diagnostics holding back an improved
performance in biopharma.
Switzerland's Tecan has introduced a range of laboratory automation
workstations, under the Freedom EVO banner, which are designed to
provide fluid handling applications in genomics, proteomics, drug
discovery and clinical diagnostics.