
(Image: Getty/	Oleh_Kucheriavyi)

Product loss mitigation through drying technology

By Maggie Lynch

Small molecule manufacturing can result in product loss, as the materials manufactured come into contact with internal surfaces thereby impacting drying and creating disruptions in efficency and cost-effectivness.

(Image: Getty/scyther5)

Iqvia announces OCE tech deal with Adhera

By Melissa Fassbender

Adhera Therapeutics has selected Iqvia’s Orchestrated Customer Engagement (OCE) technology platform to build its commercial infrastructure.

(Image: Getty/metamorworks)

At the source

The top 3 myths of ‘going digital’ (and the realities)

By Melissa Fassbender

The top three myths of ‘going digital’ relate to the industry’s self-image, the perceived role of technology, and current market conditions – still, digital is not a fad and is here to stay, says industry expert.

(Image: Getty/metamorworks)

Targeting special patient populations with the help of AI

By Melissa Fassbender

The industry is increasingly engaging in collaborations to gain access to technology, such as AI, which is being touted as a potential solution to some of the most challenging aspects of running clinical trials.

(Image: iStock/Rawpixel Ltd.)

Envigo forms advisory group to guide R&D

By Melissa Fassbender

The Science and Technology Advisory Group (STAG) was launched as a vehicle to focus R&D initiatives within Envigo and will run across all its service offerings.


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