Bulk ingredients

Sanofi to Manufacture Vivus' ED API

Sanofi to Manufacture Vivus' ED API

By Dan Stanton

Vivus has selected Sanofi Chimie to manufacture the API for its ED drug due to price and capacity, the company says.

Aspen Acquires Merck’s Dutch API Plant for $1B

Aspen Acquires Merck’s Dutch API Plant for $1B

By Zachary Brennan

The Aspen Group, a generic pharmaceutical company, is moving further into the manufacturing business with the purchase of Merck’s API manufacturing sites in the Netherlands and Iowa.

US Varicose veins a revenue stream for SCM?

SCM Named Commercial Supplier in Varisolve NDA

By Gareth Macdonald

Varicose veins could prove to be a big revenue stream for UK CMO SCM Pharma which has been named as commercial supplier for BTG’s candidate treatment, Varisolve.

Large Scale Manufacturing Drives AMRI Q1 Revenue Uptick

Large Scale Manufacturing Drives AMRI Q1 Revenue Uptick

By Zachary Brennan

Large scale manufacturing contract revenue in the first quarter of 2013 increased 14% over the same quarter in 2012 as AMRI (Albany Medical Research Inc.) saw an 11% increase in overall revenue. 

Intermediate CMOs Shift Attention to Nucleoside Development

Dispatches from Informex

Intermediate CMOs Shift Attention to Nucleoside Development

By Zachary Brennan

CMOs (contract manufacturing organizations) developing pharmaceutical intermediates have shifted their focus to complex nucleosides, peptides and carbohydrates over the last five years, an expert says.

Johnson Matthey aims to optimize API biz

Johnson Matthey to optimise API biz; Fine Chem forecasts roundup

By Gareth Macdonald

in-Pharmatechnologist.com presents a roundup of news in the fine chemicals sector, beginning with Johnson Matthey which has started a review of its active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) business after competition in the UK impacted its third quarter...

Lonza hints at manufacturing cuts

Lonza hints at manufacturing cuts

By Dan Stanton

Lonza says it will “move from a product-oriented to a market-oriented organisation” suggesting a restructuring of its manufacturing division is on the cards.

US asks for exemption from EU API import laws


US asks for exemption from EU API import laws

By Gareth Macdonald

The US wants exemption from new European Union import rules for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and says such status would cut manufacturers' admin and help prevent drug shortages.