Big Pharma

BioFocus: new HTS compound portfolio management system

BioFocus gives itself room to update compound library

By Natalie Morrison

BioFocus has taken on Titian’s sample management software in a bid to pump more resources into “refreshing” its 900,000 strong high-throughput screening (HTS) compound portfolio.

IDT sees big potential in vaccine contracting

IDT sees big potential in vaccine contracting

By Gareth Macdonald and Claire Videau

IDT Biologika.says demand for vaccines in emerging markets is big chance for Big Pharma and hence a growing niche for contractors with the technical capabilities to carry out such work.

Lab design enters 21st century

Lab design enters 21st century

Drug companies are waking up to the notion that the environment a
researcher works in - whether in drug discovery or the quality
control lab - is a crucial factor in determining their productivity
and creativity. And they have started...


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