
(Image: Getty/Natali_Mis)

Digital tech exploded in 2018: Will 2019 see broad adoption?

By Melissa Fassbender

Awareness around the potential opportunities created by artificial intelligence has never been higher, but pharma’s biggest challenge in 2019 will be adopting and scaling the right technology to improve patient outcomes, says an industry executive.

How in silico trials are making personalized medicine a reality

How in silico trials are making personalized medicine a reality

By Melissa Fassbender

The biopharma industry is on the precipice of making personalized medicine a reality with access to massive amounts of data, computing power, and artificial intelligence to run in silico clinical trials, says GNS Healthcare CEO.

(Image: Getty/kishore kumar)

5 predictions for AI in 2019

By Melissa Fassbender

While several companies touted the potential of AI to disrupt the drug development industry in 2018, what practical applications can the industry expect next year?

(Image: Getty/NicoElNino)

New AI tech reduces research bottlenecks

By Maggie Lynch

The new technology, Pattern to Knowledge (P2K), reduces “bottlenecks” in drug research by examining bio-sequences in a shorter time frame.

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